Hi everyone
I can hear the dulcet tones of the lawnmower to the left of me as I write this, forging its way through some impressively tall grass. And to the right I can hear the Demtec going, pumping out Strelitzia nicolai to go down in our new Shadehouse – huzzah! It’s finally finished - It will be mainly fill with Nics and we are taking pre-orders for them for later this year – please get in contact with me if they are of interest.
Public Service Announcement: The NGINA Northern Rivers Trade Day is on this year on March the 8th at the Alstonville showgrounds, with a casual networking dinner the night before. If you’re coming up we would love to see you here at the nursery.
Finally, lots in stock at the moment – everything is growing like topsy, and looking good. We have good quantities of Ficus lyrata, trach jas, crassula, Parlour palms and Cordylines in stock, and from the end of the month new palms will start rolling through too so send in your pre-order for those if you want some.
Have a great week tout le monde